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Προτεινόμενα Φαρμακεία στον Αναθεωρητή Φαρμακείων

Δεδομένου ότι οι άνθρωποι με ρώτησαν σχετικά, βρίσκομαι στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο και ΟΧΙ ένας ιδιώτης γιατρός δεν χρειάζεται να μοιραστεί καμία πληροφορία με τον γιατρό σας ή τις υπηρεσίες NHS. Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε αν θα μοιραστούν αυτές τις πληροφορίες ή όχι - ΕΚΤΟΣ ΑΝ ο γιατρός σας παραπέμφθηκε στον ιδιώτη γιατρό, οπότε πρέπει να το κάνει.
That's not true for controlled substances at all. Private doctors have to prescribe in partnership with GPs through shared care agreements, or make recommendations to prescribe, unless you're in a private hospital setting or an emergency situation.

I know this because when seen by a private psychiatrist they were not allowed to prescribe diazepam and informed me that private doctors are no longer permitted to prescribe controlled drugs outside of hospital/emergency settings and they could only make the recommendation to my GP.
Some of the opinions in this thread are quite harsh, no? There's a lot of stigmatising of addicts and blaming of addicts which I don't find to be particularly kind or agreeable. Addicts are not to blame for the failures of the system, or for their circumstances, but do still remain responsible for their own actions. All those things can be true.

Anyway... I don't think this will have any bearing on ketamine therapy for depression, because ketamine therapy is a relatively new phenomenon that has grown in popularity παρά the bad press around ketamine that very much already exists and has done so for decades.

There are certain countries where it's relatively rare or difficult to obtain so maybe the dangers are not as well known. However, somewhere like the UK, not so long ago it was legal, cheap and easy to obtain, and poorly understood. A lot of people got addicted to it and didn't know they would do significant damage to their bodies as a result. It made people very sick, because in large quantities consumed regularly it's hugely damaging to the bladder, liver and kidneys (especially the bladder) not to mention the damage to the brain (I know less about that, I just notice the change in someone who is addicted).

It's notorious in the UK and was more and more regulated, the price went up, it decreased in quality, was cut more etc. yet still ketamine therapy has become popular, research has continued, and the benefits are apparent. It's still relatively easy to obtain now, it probably wouldn't take someone savvy enough very long to find some in a reasonably large town with minimal effort. Ketamine has been a popular street drug here since the 90s, and it was around the 2000s where people started to learn of how dangerous it is when mishandled. In fact, an acquaintance of mine drowned as far back as around 2010 having taken ketamine, walking home on a night out.
Δεδομένου ότι οι άνθρωποι με ρώτησαν σχετικά, βρίσκομαι στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο και ΟΧΙ ένας ιδιώτης γιατρός δεν χρειάζεται να μοιραστεί καμία πληροφορία με τον γιατρό σας ή τις υπηρεσίες NHS. Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε αν θα μοιραστούν αυτές τις πληροφορίες ή όχι - ΕΚΤΟΣ ΑΝ ο γιατρός σας παραπέμφθηκε στον ιδιώτη γιατρό, οπότε πρέπει να το κάνει.
That's not true for controlled substances at all. Private doctors have to prescribe in partnership with GPs through shared care agreements, or make recommendations to prescribe, unless you're in a private hospital setting or an emergency situation.

I know this because when seen by a private psychiatrist they were not allowed to prescribe diazepam and informed me that private doctors are no longer permitted to prescribe controlled drugs outside of hospital/emergency settings and they could only make the recommendation to my GP.

Shared Care is optional. A specific psychiatrist may have signed up to a contract with the NHS which means that αυτοί now have to report to your GP through Shared Care. But this is not a legal obligation that all private Drs must abide by. You can absolutely find psychiatrists who don't have such contracts.

All private Drs are bound by their licence to the General Medical Council, whose guidelines are here: https://www.gmc-uk.org/-/media/docu...nce-updated-english-20210405_pdf-85260533.pdf There is nothing else a Dr legally has to do other than abide by the GMC.

If you read through, you will see that all Drs must get CONSENT to share information with their GP. It is not a legal obligation to report to a GP regardless of the substance prescribed. Again, this information is under the "controlled substances" section.

There is a furore at the moment with people in the UK getting into financial difficulty with getting ADHD meds, because MANY GPs refuse to do Shared Care, so patients have to continue to be prescribed and monitored privately. And there are also cases of people getting kicked off the NHS's waiting lists to get ADHD diagnosis if they say they've gone with a private dr, so they actively chose not to report it.

This is why it's so important to know where you legally stand with things.
wow. ive been gone a couple of months. I seem to have missed something interesting. Still never managed to find what I'm looking for and still haven't ordered lmao. I hope I didn't lose any post/response progress towards the special section in my absence though... now to catch up on these posts. This whole situation that brings many of us here is so sad
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